Personal Websites / Blogs Created to share personal stories, opinions, hobbies, or interests
Budget Options : From $300
Business Websites Serve as an online presence for companies and organizations. They provide information about the company, its products or services, and often include contact details.
Budget Options : From $1,000
E-commerce Websites: E-commerce sites are designed for online shopping and transactions. They allow users to browse and purchase products or services directly from the website.
Budget Options : From $2,000
Portfolio Websites: Best suited for individuals or professionals who want to showcase their work, skills, achievements, and talents.
Creative Professionals
Job Seekers
Students and Recent Graduates
Small Business Owners
Artists and Musicians
Content Creators
Photographers and Videographers
Consultants and Coaches
Academics and Researchers
Budget Options :
Low Budget
$ 400
Moderate Budget
$ 1,000
High Budget
$ 2,000
Educational Websites: Educational websites provide information and resources for learning, including online courses, tutorials, and academic content.
Budget Options :
Basic School Website : $ 400
Fully Customizable Platform : From $ 2,000
News Websites: News websites deliver current news and information on various topics, often updated frequently with articles and multimedia content.
Budget Options : $ 2,000
Nonprofit and Charity Websites: Nonprofit organizations use websites to raise awareness, collect donations, and share their mission and impact.
Budget Options : $ 1,000
These are collections of sites and unique services, which are created to provide complete information to the user.